September Minutes 2017
RADBA Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2017
Call to Order/President- 4:05p
Self-Intro and Sign-In by all present Members present: Tim Schaller, Wendy Whitson, Pattiy Torno, Hedy Fischer, Garret Artz, Brian McCarthy, Darren Green, Helaine Greene, Gabe, Cindy Weeks, Jo Ransmeier, Dave Campbell, Richard Patino, Jannette Montego, Mike Craft
Others present: Dustin Clemens, Sara Henry
Motion to Approve August Minutes: Tim motion to approve minutes, second Darren. All approved, no abstentions or apposed.
Treasurer’s Report: Jenny Lumb: Jenny out- balance around $10k Landscaping nearly done for the year, renew website 23 renew memberships
Neighborhood Update: Officer Justin Wilson – 828-450-3719 Officer Wilson, not present
City of Asheville Update:
NBB Update: Mike Craft: - tips going to disaster relief Pumpkin peddler Oct. 28th 3p-5p Water treatment is in progress- until Feb? Noise wraps up in 2 weeks
Riverlink Update: Garrett Artz: Community meeting Burton St Center Oct 16 6:30p Smith Mill Creek watershed discussion Zelendia Fest- Saints of Paint- 50% proceeds to Riverlink Oct. 27th 6-9 tickets $75
RADA Update:
Shelley Schenker (not present): Update provided by Wendy Whitson.
Survey results: no spring stroll, 2nd Saturday event year round
Manna and Ingles food drive for stroll
Picking up studio guides
Oct. 15th deadline for ads in the guide
Still need sponsors for trolley Stroll
Motion to sponsor trolley RADBA $300, motion seconded and approved. No abstentions, no opposed.
RADTIP Update:
Sara Henry- Riverfront Redevelopment Office Director:
14 Riverside Dr headquarters for Stroll
Business packets, in progress: info card, public art map, working on signage-waiting on CVB legal team, then city legal team, then pole banner plan
Gateway signage in production, up near end of October
Race to the Taps
City is maintaining restrooms in 14 Riverside Dr
Construction update: focus between existing Riverside dr & river, as well as between old 12 bones and I-240 bridge.
Next erosion control fencing and tubes. Tree removal for greenway. No road closures soon. Should have schedule tentatively Oct. 20th present draft schedule.
New Business:
Cindy Visnich Weeks - Mountain Housing Opportunities - Improved walking connection (Greenway connector) from Ralph street to Depot next to between Glen Rock Hotel and Mr. Greens.
RAD form based code discussion / update / action: P&Z council. Remove lodging without special permitting without consulting community stakeholders, Oct. 24th goes back to Council
P&Z recommendation is that form based code goes thru as decided upon community stakeholders. Proposed letter from RADPAC to council members.
Lack of enforcement of the 20 mph on Depot discussion / action- Need enforcement of 20mph speed limit on Depot.
RADBA Secretary nominees: Pattiy nominated Kari as sect., 2nd Tim, voted in. Others will fill in during any meetings Kari cannot attend.
Adjourned 5:13p.