RADPAC is a RADBA sub-committee that invites any development projects being proposed in the River Arts District to come in front of the sub-committee for review and feedback. RADPAC takes what it learns in those reviews and brings it back to our membership. RADPAC meets from time to time as there is need. RADPAC is currently chaired by Tim Schaller.
Current projects under review or being built in the RAD :
144 / 159 RIVERSIDE DRIVE : CONCEPT DRAWING BELOW : this project has been approved by City Council but has not yet broken ground
The River Arts Apartments / Mixed Use Project : expected completion in late 2024
Stoneyard Apartments / Mixed Use Project : going thru city process now… Design Review late October, P&Z in November with the hopes of City Council Approval by December 2022.
The Radical Hotel : expected completion late 2023
Artful Way Hotel & Apartments : above the Grey Eagle : this project does not require going to City Council as far as we know… not sure when it will break ground