September 2022 RAD Vitality Project Banners
Round # 5 of the RAD VP Banner System • September 2022!
The RAD Vitality Partnership is a collaboration between the River Arts District Artists , Inc. (RADA) & River Arts District Business Association (RADBA) to manage the banner system in the River Arts District! Pattiy Torno is the main contact person for this project.
To all of our current sponsors! a HUGE thank you for your 4 years of support!
That said, we have to say that some of our original banners are starting to show their age? If you have a banner currently flying from 2018 and want to be sure you stay featured in the same location, you must renew your banner /s this year! If you do not, there is a chance that your faded banner will be replaced by someone else? Even if your banner looks decent, please consider replacing it with a fresh image and save us the time it will take to deal with these banners one at a time, as they disintegrate on the pole!
A RAD VP Banner will cost $400 for two years
These banners will stay up for 24 months (January 2023 through December 2024) at a cost of $400 and will be color coded by banner location to match the RADA Studio Guide Map. Please provide images for your banner or let us provide one for you in the case of non-art businesses.
The 2022 RAD VP Banners are first come, first serve!
BUY your Banner starting @ 8am on Thursday September 1st, 2022 and ending 11:59pm on Saturday, September 30th, 2022, with a credit card using the JOT FORM or make arrangements with Pattiy Torno @ for another form of payment.
You must be a member in good standing of RADA, Inc or RADBA to buy a RAD VP Banner, or be sponsor of the RAD via the RADA corporate sponsorships… we are working on other ways for folks to get banners so contact Pattiy Torno if you are not a RADA or RADBA member but would love to support the RAD! Click links above to see how to join the appropriate organization!
Our banners are expected to be installed in January 2023 (if all goes well, of course) and will be designed once again by the lovely Andrea Kulish.
Location of Banners
The RAD VP Banner Committee will decide the location of each of the new banners... you are welcome to say your preference, but we make no guarantees of location (unless you already have a banner flying, in which case you can keep your current location if you want to)... this is a huge puzzle that needs flexibility to be able to happen. These banners create a huge part of our wayfinding, Neighborhood Identifier System to help our visitors find their way around the RAD! A small way for each of us to pitch in for this great collective effort!
How many can I have?
If you are an individual artist, you can purchase up to 2 banners.
If you are a multiple artist gallery or multiple artist building, you can purchase up to 4 banners.
If you are a corporate sponsor, you can purchase up to 10 banners and we will provide the images for your banners.
We are trying to let everyone, who wants a banner, have their name in lights, so it is possible you may not get all the banners you pay for. Any banners you pay for, and do not get, will be refunded.
Nsine Charlsen’s banner as an example of what the basic format will be for all the banners!
Artwork Specification
All Artwork featured on a RAD VP Banner must be made by an artist who is a RADA member. If you are a non-arts-based business in the RAD, we are happy to provide artwork for your banner! Or you can supply us with an appropriate image that relates to your business. Just remember that your logo MAY NOT be shown in your image or anywhere else on the banners!
Please submit 2 images per banner purchased so our designer has choices. Images must be jpeg format, 30” x 30” at 150 DPI. An image that is not square will be cropped to be a square. Single item, high contrast, high quality studio images seem to be the most readable. We would prefer you upload your images when you buy your banner if possible… if not, we can make alternate arrangements! particularly for our non arts businesses!
Thanks so much
Your RAD VP Partnership!