September Minutes 2011

John Davis, Wendy Whitson, Dave Campbell, Cindy Campbell, Tripp Howell, Hedy Fischer, Matt Sprouse, Tim Schaller, Tanya Triber, Ben from White Duck, Marcia Stickford, Jen Sumbnor, Susan Roderick, Ted France, Darren Greene, Brian Lewis

at The Magnetic Field, 372 Depot Street, River Arts District 4 p.m.-5:15 p.m.

Send minute changes to: Attn: Susanne Hackett at the


• Meet our APD Community Resource Officers: Evan Coward & Jackie Stepp

Jackie-downtown district

Evan-south district

-police related issues

-Marsha is their right had person for community issues

-address a lot of graffiti and homeless issues

-lack of reporting is a big problem.  please report all graffiti.  they need to know for statistics and how to combat

-call the non-emergecy 828-252-1110 to report anything

-828-251-4078 for anything that can wait or for questions

-If problems with HOMELESS CAMPS, call Marsha Stickford with the city.  depending on where the camps are, they have different ways of dealing with it.  Private property owners need to post private property signs.  This is part of the homelessness initiative.  Get outreach workers from homeless agencies to go in and interest folks in accessing services.

-If you feel you have security issues with the buildings, contact Jackie or Evan for a free SECURITY SERVICE assessment. (hardware, landscaping, lighting, locks, etc.) Pattiy will send the form around via email.  Evan and Jackie are very available by email.

-Asheville GreenWorks has supplies that they share with everyone.  But, call the police first and report it, get photos, etc.


-Will have November stroll, 2012 will have both strolls

-Push for artists to do it more often, spread it out over the year rather than do it two times/year

Would like more help from RADBA

-Thinking about a 2nd Saturday event

-Chamber wants to help promote 2nd Saturday

-Need more dialogue between RADA and RADBA down the road

-Artists are making less money at the stroll

-2nd Saturday Studio Stroll suggestion a name change

-Tim Schaller suggests more dialogue between RADA and RADBA

-Matt Sprouse, once we have officers, one will go to the RADA meetings to continue dialogue

-There’s more that visitors can do during the Stroll, and some are choosing not to visit the studios

-Need more volunteers, need more monetary participants/support

Depot Street parking plan: Marsha Stickford & her big maps

-Pedestrian safety crossing Depot Street.  City has been looking into safety.

-Two options currently

-Survey done, designs

-Review the map and offer input.  Is one more favored than the other?

-Crosswalks are still debatable and changeable

-Will have a meeting to collect input

-Will be improvements in the 5 way intersection with crosswalks and other improvements that are not indicated on the map today

-Parking on Railroad side: offers more parking and sidewalks; Parking on Pink Dog side, fewer spaces (so parking on only one side of the street as there is not enough width of road to do parking on both sides)

-Timeline: Spring 2012 would be the earliest

-Tim Schaller suggests having a parking committee to provide feedback, Matt Sprouse agrees and then bring an update to the next meeting

-Marsha would be happy to meet with that group

-There is an email copy that can be sent to the parking group (Pattiy will send it)

-Hardcopy will be kept at SiteWork Studios; will pull together a subcommittee meeting

Squatter Artists during Studio Stroll: how do we deal with this Marcia?

They have to have permits to be there they think.  If you are selling something you need to have a permit with the property.

• Green the RAD & Clingman Maintenance Program: Susan Roderick w/ Asheville Greenworks

Asking business owners and landowners to maintain the Clingman Avenue maintenance.  City does not have it in their budget to maintain the property.

Partnerships in place to Green the RAD.

$3100 collected so far


SiteWorks Studios

Pattiy Torno





White Duck

Old Wood Co.

Ray Quate, Janet Weiss

David Stewart


Roots Cafe

Clingman Cafe

For $250-$275/month for upkeep

Daffodil bulbs also incorporated

Would like to plant around other areas also, like plant roses on fences

need to raise more money if there’s more than just maintenance

**Restricted fund just for this effort

Planting plan was complex, so there’s a lot of weeding and deadheading, mulch, threat of kudzu, maintenance averages out to $250-275/month

Too dangerous for volunteers to do the maintenance, also need heavy duty tools to do it

Other areas we can use volunteers.



OCTOBER 25: WORK DAY from 1 p.m.-6 p.m., meet at 5 way stop


NOVEMBER 6 at the Wedge Brewery TBD (watch Wedge Facebook for time, add: Wedge Brewery as friend)

• Kiosk report: Pattiy Torno (including the Business Donations in the name of the RAD discussion)

We can not get money from the Chamber to get a kiosk.  If we want to do it.  We need to pay for it.  Look at the sign package with the City, which does not currently include a kiosk.

• Food Trucks in the RAD

• Communication Systems in the RAD

• Electing Officers 

• October meeting?


Temporary uses can operate up to 180 days in a calendar year.  Once someone has tied up a temp use permit you secure it.  Once you use 180 days, it’s used up for the year.

The trouble with this is that for example: temp food truck at the ByWater, but they want to operate in other areas of the city, but then legally no one else can use same site because the permit is tied up.

Call Alan Glines, Urban Planner II, Planning and Development for the City of Asheville  for more information: 828-259-5556 or

Ordinance No. 4007 is being reviewed for a one-year period.

Questions on busking and selling during the Studio Stroll.  Alan will provide input about this at our next meeting.

Wendy, because it’s not a city-sponsored event, we fall through the cracks.

If they are operating on city property, and have no permit, you can call the police.  City will not issue temp use permit during event.


Anyone who has paid to be a member has a vote.  We will announce members over email.

We can compile nominations.

Yearly appointments:


Vice President




Pattiy Torno-random issues are popping up and suggests we need an internal communication system for RADBA

Easy suggestion: bulletin board system or list serve, weekly updates that is self-sustaining once it’s created (Yahoo or other service) to provide event information and updates on what’s going on has regular updates on the events page

NEXT RADBA MEETING: OCTOBER 24, 2011 4 p.m. at The Magnetic Field


If you have not paid your dues you can send a check for $100 to Sitework Studios @ 352 Depot, AVL 28801

or bring a check to the meeting!

RADTIP: 4-7 p..m. at Habitat meeting room for Wilma Dykeman Plan

Dr. Wesley Grant Community Center: Grand Opening October 13

East of the Riverway Grant Kick off: October 7 from 6-8 p.m. (in old Reid Center)

Brian Lewis, opening affordable, integrative medical clinic at the Glen Rock Depot, Integrative Family Medicine, details forthcoming.

SEND AGENDA ITEMS: email only accepted from paying RADBA members

INTRACITY TOUR UPDATE: people were blown away.  Thanks to Wendy Whitson for all her work.