October Minutes 2012

Monthly Membership Meeting—October 23, 2012

FLS Energy Board Room, 130 Roberts Street, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

New Belgium Subcontractor Open House:::Tuesday, October 30from 4-7 p.m. at Lift Studios.  Please spread the word

ASHEVILLE GREENWORKS ANNUAL AWARDS PARTY: Friday, November 9 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The Lift Studios, 349 Depot St., Suggested Donation: $15


Old Wood Company:::Saturday night, 6:30-11 p.m. (DJ, Costumes, food from Cecilia)

Wedge Brewery:::Saturday night, Asheville On Bikes Pumpkin Pedaller arrives at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting Items:

Approve Minutes to August Meeting–Approved


Tyler Radford, new officer in RAD

Others being trained in the RAD, officers just here to say hello and be present

If there is a camp set up in the neighborhood, we have a process to take camps apart.  It takes 7 days, we refer people to resources in the community, and after 7 days people are asked to leave.

Seems like this time a year is sometimes when things get rowdie, so if you could please keep checking.  Before midnight, we’re great down here.

Evan, please call if you have any questions.  We’ll check it out.

Wedge is seeing more people coming in with adults with backpacks, but hasn’t had any problems.

Taggers got the back of AVL GreenWorks, as well as 362 Depot Street.

Have heard that there is a camp behind Pink Dog.  If you could please check in on it.

Please let the officers know.  They will check in with them and offer them other community resources.

City’s new homeless initiative coordinator who used to run AHOPE.  There is a nice working relationship, so please keep us in the loop.  The City’s philosophy is that homeless people need to be housed.  Some people choose not to be housed, and our city wants to help people who want to be housed.

Is it illegal to camp? On public property it is illegal.  Unless they have permission on private property, it is trespassing.

If you are a property owner and have not signed a Letter of Trespass, contact Evan Coward ecoward@ashevillenc.gov  to receive a digital copy. This allows police to come onto your property in the case that there are trespassers/campers on your property.

828-252-1110 is the non-emergency police number for the city

RADBA survey(monkey) –Susanne

Anyone who has paid their 2012-2013 dues has received the survey.  If you have paid your dues and have not received the survey, please contact PollinateCollaborations@gmail.com

November Studio Stroll

WCQS: Find out from Shay when they are doing their WCQS day sponsorship and then we will do another day–either Thursday or Friday of that week

PARKING: $50 Dave Steel entrance on railroad side will allow parking for the stroll.  Tim Schaller is arranging this.

Ken Putnam is finding out about the lot across from the entrance and exit to the Wedge lot (at the 5 way stop) for ongoing parking lot in the City.  Marsha Stickford will keep us up to date on the fence along the railroad.

RADA is going to have an info tent near Soapy Dog on the corner grassy lot.

Planning another Executive Board Meeting with RADA–Tim will coordinate this meeting

City Council Presentation

When is a good time when Council is around and available?

Marsha Stickford: Maggie Burleson talked with the Mayor and she said, yes.  Someone needs to reach out to the Mayor to schedule it.  Matt Sprouse will you schedule this?

Pattiy mentioned RADBA at County Commissioners meeting and we are on the map.

Roberts Street parking (pre-planning)

Pattiy and Matt Sprouse met with Yuri to look at the section from round about to 5-way stop.  Within the next month or so, we will have enough base data to convene a group from RADBA to join in the process.  Joe will also ask his landlord to come.

Contact Pattiy if you are interested in being on this committee: pattiy@ashevillerad.com

Buncombe County Tax Commission discussion – meeting with RADBA in Dec?

Meeting at Phil Mechanic Building with City Council, summary:

Holly Jones is available to listen.  Brownie encouraged artists to get support from local business organizations.

State designation of legitimate arts district.  Holly offered to help with the process, but will not do it on her own.

Candidates said this is the best attended forum we have been to this year (150).  This made everyone up there realize this is an issue they need to look at.

Pattiy asked for an intro to Gary Roberts, tax director for Buncombe County.  RADBA and is sponsoring, Steph Monson, Joe Minicozi and perhaps Kitty Love (who has been working with NC Arts Council)

Property Taxes 101: Wednesday, December 5, 5:30-7 p.m. at a location TBD; educational seminar

–doing Tax Increment Financing for cultural districts is already going on in Raleigh and Kitty is coordinating that conversation, any increase in property tax revenue has to be reinvested in the district.

Motion to Sponsor the Property Tax workshop, Susanne; Hedy Fischer second it.  RADBA will sponsor this event.

Location: Check in to see if the Grant Center could hold it.  Perhaps the Arts Council

Susanne will help Pattiy with this.  If anyone else wants to help, contact Pattiy.

Gary Roberts said: What New Belgium paid for their property will not have any impact on your property taxes.  It had incentives included in it and will not impact property taxes.

Perhaps invite Janis from City Attorney’s office to the meeting.  Hedy has a contact at ArtSpace, national non-profit redevelop underdeveloped spaces.  Asked her about helping with the second panel.

Where are the next studio spaces?  People are looking around for warehouse spaces.

New Business

Space Available in RAD: Pink Dog has spaces available.  Please contact Hedy Fisher for more information: hedyfisch@gmail.com

Thanks to Broken Roads Studio for support for Green the RAD.

EAST WEST ASHEVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION MEETING re: TRUCK TRAFFIC: Sense from that meeting was that the traffic should go anywhere but their neighborhood and I had a hard time with that (Pattiy Torno).  The EWANA plan presented at the end of the meeting is just not feasible.

The existing route is going to be the route, but the City will continue to monitor the truck traffic and make changes in the future if needed. (Marsha Stickford)  Haywood will be the route until something radically changes.

They City and New Belgium have been working hard to come up with a plan that does not take anyone’s property.  The building they want to take out (the blue warehouse across from Hatchery) was just renovated and now houses a building.

The next step is to meet with them and share with them how the alternative plans  and the feasibility–cost (inconvenience to people, financial cost, etc.).

New Belgium Neighborhood and Business Association Meeting November 1, 2012, email us with anything you’d like to get input on PollinateCollaborations@gmail.com