October Minutes 2011
• Election of Officers
Matt Sprouse, President
Tim Schaller, Vice President
Susanne Hackett, Secretary
Tripp Howell, Treasurer
Other nominations? Hedy Fisher, moves to take a vote.
These positions are for a 1 year term, according to the By Laws, following through to December 2012.
Close Nominations.
Matt Sprouse, voted as President
Tim Schaller, voted as Vice President
Susanne Hackett, voted as Secretary
Tripp Howell, voted as Treasurer
• RAD TIP — Update from Pattiy Torno
public comment period closes Friday, Oct. 28
First leg of the Wilma Dykeman project. Hill Street on Riverside up to Lyman and Amboy intersect.
Pattiy Torno offered update.
Public meeting at Habitat for Humanity. Offered forms to give feedback. Public input closing Friday, October 29, 2011.
Turn out at public meeting about 30 people, including River Redevelopment Commission.
Eileen Black circulating a petition in opposition to Purple Plan, which will shift Lyman Street behind Cotton Mill Studios. Circulating petition opposing moving Lyman Street.
Multi-modal Pedestrian Riverfront
Discussions of Connectivity
one option: near French Broad River Park to create a pedestrian bridge across the river
Pattiy has forms for feedback
• Depot Street Parking Plan
• Studio Stroll update from Wendy Whitson
Will be a trolley going during the stroll.
VIP Preview party: 5-7 p.m. on Friday night at The Artery, trolley going around stroll, slideshow of images, Nov. 11 (Chamber members, academia, etc.)
Nov. 12 and 13, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Updating Studio Guide: Advertisements
Between now and Nov. 1, accepting last years rates for last year’s guide. Find ad rates: http://www.riverartsdistrict.com/advertise/
• PSNC Building Update
The City is taking possession of the property and building behind 12 Bones and across from Curve Studios. By the end of the year they plan to take the fence down. They are planning to put in a temporary mulch trail from Curve up to Old Haywood Rd. until RAD TIP is completed.
• Asheville Area Riverfront Redevelopment Commission
Meetings are open to the public: 2nd Thursday of the month, 4 p.m. in Chamber of Commerce boardroom on the 2nd floor
Pattiy asked if RADBA could have a representative on the AARRC commission. Feedback from the commission: The city tends to not specify groups and put people on boards. Pattiy is already on the board. City of Asheville has four seats. Two of those seats are citizens that are business or property owners in the River Arts District. This is one way we can have someone else apply to be on the commission. River District Design Review Committee Chair automatically gets a seat as well. There are many ways for RADBA to be involved.
River District Design Review Committee–they review any new or renovation within River District zoning the committee reviews; may expand River District zoning to expand to river floor
• RADBA on Facebook
Could be a good place for business owner discussions
Parking Subcommittee: meeting in the next week or so to do a sketch for Ken Putnam and ask them to add an option. Pedestrian safety is a the key issue and there are no marked crossing places. We need a crossing place and we need to decide where the best place will be. Then, come back to RADBA with suggestion and get RADBA buy in to present it to the City. If you’d like to be involved in the Parking Subcommittee, email Matthew Sprouse msprouse@siteworkstudios.com for information.
EV-Transit Idea: private entity function along side City of Asheville buses developing a business plan to have electric go cart vehicles to 15 person passenger vans to circulate through town, operate on a loop. This would include a phone application. They want to connect downtown, RAD and Biltmore Village. Matt will ask for them to present to us. Day, week, month and year passes available. These are local people–Jonathan Glover is one of them. 50% of Americans have SmartPhones
Asheville GreenWorks: Green the RAD Update
Work Days:
–Nov. 6, 3 to 5 p.m., Tree Planting Party at The Wedge. Please attend and help.
–Work Day in November to Plant Bulbs
Have raised $2,000 right now. Need more to keep up Green the RAD for Spring.
Will take $275/month year round to care for Clingman Streetscape. To donate, get in touch with Susan Roderick: susan@ashevillegreenworks.org
Mail Management donated design and mailing services for Green the RAD.
Letter to City Council: let them know about RADBA and Green the RAD, we will care for it for the next two years as a partner with the City. Update about RADBA, graffiti watch, Clingman maintenance
New Business
First Light Solar moving into the old AVL Technology building (50 employees and are hiring)
The Asheville Public (TAP) will open around December 2011 in the old Silver Dollar restaurant across from The Grey Eagle
Day Warehouse: will be tearing down part of that building
Last 2011 Meeting: December 5, 4 p.m. at The Magnetic Field