May Minutes 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Darren Green at 4:05pm. Darren announced that this would be his last meeting as President and that Daniel McClendon of Lift Studios takes over as President in June. Jenny Lumb will stay on for another year as Treasurer.  Susan Kaagan/Secretary, nominated Sarah Pelchat of MMS Marketing to take over the office of Secretary. Tim Schaller seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Darren announced that RADBA is still looking for nominations for Vice President, and asked that anyone who is interested should contact either Darren or Daniel.

Minutes from the April meeting were approved.

All present introduced themselves and signed in.

Treasurer’s Report/Jenny Lumb:  RADBA now has 38 members, and several past and new members have taken advantage of a new pro-rated dues payment schedule to become current.  Annual membership fees are due in June, and can be paid to Jenny at the June Social (we can now accept credit card payments), or invoices will be emailed with a link to a payment button.  The current balance in the account is $8500.

Both Pattiy Torno and Tim Schaller noted that several businesses have expressed interest in RADBA membership, but are beyond the “original ” boundaries of the RAD.  RADBA has accepted into the membership some businesses extending out along Riverside Drive to Pierson Bridge Rd., and to Amboy Rd  at Lyman, as well as across the a River.  Tim indicated that the subject of RAD boundaries will be discussed at the next RADPAC meeting and report back.

RADBA Social/Darren Green:  plans have been finalized, and the June RADBA meeting will be a social event taking place at All Souls Pizza on Tuesday, June 23rd from 4-6 pm. Light appetizers will be provided along with a coupon for one drink. All are encouraged to attend as well as bringing potential new members.

UGoTour Presentation/Mobile App/ Paul Hedgecock, CEO:  This newly founded company develops mobile app tours for many types of users, particularly the tourism industry. Paul described the barriers to organizations making the decision to develop a mobile app as primarily cost ($20,000 and up), as well as the current behavior of mobile app users, which is 50% of the time is a one-time use and then deleted. Their firm specializes in creating a “deeper and more meaningful” experience for app users, and will gather specialized data for marketing purposes, effectively telling a story about each business or location on the app tour. They will also video, photograph and write the copy for the participants. Discounts are being offered for new clients up until next month.  Paul stressed that some of the value for RADBA would be in attracting new members by offering this high level product as a membership perk.  He is available to show demos of current products to individuals or small groups from RADBA or RADA. He can be contacted at: or (828)390-3751.

AAARC/Pattiy Torno:  DOT has confirmed that the landscaping that was disturbed by the filling of the sinkhole on Clingman Ave. will be repaired.  The first River Arts District Form Based Code meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 17 from 6-8pm at the Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center located at 285 Livingston St. At this meeting, the project and upcoming charrette will be introduced, and those in attendance will have the opportunity to ask questions about the project. Further information can be found at:  http//

RADPAC/Tim Schaller:  discussion about parking on Clingman Ave Ext. The current quasi-legal parking places on the Dave Steel side of the street will be eliminated when the RADLofts project begins. There is ongoing discussion about making Clingman Ext. a one-way street (downhill), and Roberts St continuing to be two-way. The property owners will have the largest say in this change, and at least at this point appear to be on board. Land acquisition is now underway for the creation of the traffic circle at the five-way stop.  The 30/plus parking spaces were added along Depot Street in time for the Studio Stroll, and the City has agreed that the striping can be redone once the Railroad issues are worked out regarding parking on the other side of Depot St.  It was also announced that a committee made up of RADBA and RADA members will be formed to study the implications and meaning of the Form Based Code for the RAD.  And finally, Frank of FLS Energy announced that due to new hiring, they must begin to enforce no parking in their lot Monday thru Friday from 8-5. Evenings and weekends are still OK.

ONE Neighborhood Event/Darren Green:  the flyers and posters have been printed and 200 of them are now being distributed to various neighborhood locations. Many RADBA members and non members sponsored the poster with their donations.  Julia Fosson and Ginger Huebner are developing art projects for this summer. RADBA board members met with Jen Remming of Open Doors, who are very interested in this project and wanting to be of more support to us.  They will begin offering training sessions to those artists wishing to offer art to the kids in order to make the program  more effective and valuable, as well as offering a legitimacy to our event and efforts. The event is Sunday, June 14 at the Wesley Grant Sr. Center on Livingston St. From 2-4 pm.

NBB/Susanne Hackett:  Pile driving continues!  Waynesville is now open to Craven St., the section between Waynesville and Haywood is under construction and should be completed this summer.  The Distribution Center is now complete. NBB is hiring, check the website if interested.  The greenway project along the River in front of the NBB property is underway in conjunction with the City, and has earned the American Trail Award.  Stream restoration is also underway.  Jade Mountain Builders will be installing some of the salvage from the site not destroyed in the fire, on the exterior siding of the Brew House.

Riverlink/Karen Cragnolin:  Pierson Bridge access construction is now underway, along with another artist designed iron railing to be part of the project. The Amboy Rd access is still in discussion with DOT.  Goats will be used along Hominy Creek in an attempt to control the kudzu and other invasive species growing there.  The Clearwater Managment Trust Fund has been in AVL, bringing 400k to invest in projects.  The next River Music will be Friday, June 12.

Asheville Police/Ofc.Sean Davis:  two graffiti arrests have been made in regard to tagging at Riverlink and on Lyman St.  Tires were stolen off all the French Brosd Academy vehicles on Lyman St.

New Business:  Robert Nicholas from Splurge announced the first in a series of the Asheville Flea for Y’all at the Salvage Station 468 Riverside Drive, takes place this Sunday, May 31 from 9-4, and continuing on the last Sunday of the month thru October. Free admission.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:05