March Minutes 2018
RADBA 3.27.18
Call to order 4:06
Members Present: Dave Campbell, Matt Sprouse, Heleine Greene, Pattiy Torno, Joe Ransmeier, Shelley Schenker, Darren Green, Joe, Matt Wallace, Ann Willis Others present: Sara Henry, Justin Wilson, Lucy
Motion to approve minutes Heleine, 2nd Shelley
Treasurer $1000 to banner initiative- balance just under $9000
Officer Justin Wilson
408 Depot St. visitors sprayed with pepper spray, perpetrator arrested.
Jonas studio vandalized. Spray paint Clingman Ave location.
Kerosene in river- inspector ruled cause holes in tank from puncture. No real resolution.
Shoplifting on Lyman- glass art in pants.
2nd Saturday shoplifting at Eco Depo, over $1000 in merch.
Car stolen by keys being stolen from business.
Discussion on possible bike patrol for RAD.
City of Asheville neighborhood update:
New Belgium- Mike not available
Riverlink- Joe
River music and Riverfest at New Belgium, done at 9am June 8th 5p-9p
Close to choosing developer for Karen Cragnoland Park.
RADA update- excited about MOU, contributed $1000 for banners, new guides for district in studios. Had first official 2nd Sat.
RADTIP update- Sara & Lucy
Norfolk doing work Riverside Drive will be closed at RR bridge 3.28
5k happening next Saturday, done by 11:30a.
Construction update email sent out.
Next MOU committee meeting Monday
May 20, 2020 Wilma Dykeman’s 100th Bday- mark your calendars now!
Tree replanting from Duke, City will be pulling together committee to create a planStakeholder meetings. 14 Riverside Dr, April 17th & 18th. Different meeting times for differing stakeholders.
Bridge by Green’s to council April 10th to build path from Ralph St to Depot St. $125k project. RADBA drafting letter of support.
County has received grant for study of N. RADTIP at Hill St to intersection of Riverside and Broadway, however matching funds not available $60k project. Request contact County Commissioners to encourage design and engineering of the highway 251 study- time sensitive to meet road improvement project schedule to increase cost efficiencies. To close gap for greenway to Woodfin. Pattiy to draft letter of support.
New Business
MOU Signage: Pattiy- City expedited permit, permit issued. All files at the printer, install middle of April. Ribbon cutting plan in progress. 94 poles with 28 doubles. 114 banners.
MOU potential project suggestions:
2nd Sat. trolley, development- CVB partner (funding may not be required), hands on craft spot, Interactive marketing on social media, strive to partner private and public funds to extend impact of MOU, 14 Riverside Drive to add to culture of the district- long term function of space is not yet determined- Arts and culture Center, staffing on Saturdays speaker or series on marketing to benefit businesses to capitalize on 2nd Sat.,
Allegra having lunch n learn- speaker could be available in the afternoon. 11;30-1p at Chamber board room, In conjunction with 20th anniversary, food, bev. 3:30 ribbon cutting Friday 6th .
RADBA board nominations- will take place next month Summer of Glass
April meeting at New Belgium Brewery
Adjourned 5:07