July Minutes 2018
RADBA Meeting Agenda
July 31, 2018
Call to Order 4:02pm
Self-Intro and Sign-In by all present: Skipped Self Intro
Attendance via sign in sheet: Kathryn Adams, Sara Henry, Kari Rinn, Tim Schaller, Jim Morgan, Pattiy Torno, Dave Campbell, Matt Wallace, Michael Craft, Matt Sprouse, Alexaire Greene, Shelly Schenker, Lauri and Barrett Nichols, Joe Ransmeier
Motion to Approve Minutes from last meeting: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: by Pattiy Torno
34 current members and ~$12,000 in the bank, $2000 already spent for – one neighborhood and Clingman Streetscape maintenance
Free account set up with Mail Chimp for RADBA
Neighborhood Update:
Officer Justin Wilson 828-450-3719 JWilson@AshevilleNC.gov (Not Present)
Sarah Henry: Homeless Camps: City is working on a strategy to address the camp across the river. Looking at adding no trespassing signs. This will make it so camps are reportable.
City of Asheville Update:
Sarah Henry RADTIP Update: Moving along! Aug 10th both lanes will be open under the trestle bridge. Next start working on the new section of road near Jean webb park.
Median update: City is going to start maintaining medians. Clingman Median will be maintained by the city. Mulch weed removal, insect and plant treatments. Pattiy Torno will meet with City Staff to see how this new help impacts what RADBA currently does along the Clingman Streetscape.
MOU (RADBA, RADA, and Asheville City) meeting next week 5pm on Monday, get with your MOU reps and talk about your next priorities for the district.
Holiday Lights: Downtown and Biltmore Village will have them this year and a 5 year plan to expand in the RAD
14 Riverside Drive is Open in November so send Sarah your event proposal.
NBB Update:
Mike Craft
Sat Aug 4th, Bikes and Beers route goes through the RAD, Additional Bike Traffic to be expected. 9:30 – 10:30
Aug 18th River Fest, Last Rivermusic is on Sept 18th
Trying to work with the city to get some trees along the river.
Sept 22nd Tour De Fat, Bike Parade will go on greenway up Amboy Road to brewery. Benefits Asheville on Bikes.
Riverlink Update:
Joe Ransmeier:
River Fest Aug 18th Anything that floats parade. Accepting feedback for the Karen Cragnolin park, expecting to have a master plan by the end of the year of how the space will be utilized: Dates for that meeting TBA
RADA Update:
No New News
RADTIP Update:
Sara Henry (already addressed in City of Asheville Update)
Steph Monson Dahl – Riverfront Redevelopment Office Director
New Business:
Duke Energy Substation Update:
Pattiy Torno reported that the proposed Duke Substation will be a Gas Insulated Switchgear Station, which allows most of the visual clutter to end up inside a nice looking building. The City of Asheville / NC DOT will get an easement to redesign the traffic corridor on Clingman Avenue between Patton & Hilliard Avenues. The WECAN neighbors are satisfied with this plan so against all odds, we got the WIN WIN WIN that we were hoping for… goes to P&Z and City Council by the end of 2018.
Meeting tomorrow open to the public, Aug 1st 5 – 7 pm @ Daniel Boone Boy Scott Council @ 333 West Haywood St
RAD PAC Update
-Meeting happened this morning, White Duck Taco is moving & currently the RAD TIP greenway will go in front of the new White Duck. Asheville on Bikes & the RADPAC is advocating for the greenway to extend to the other side of the New White Duck Taco along the river and come back to Riverside Drive at the red Anders Tobbaco Warehouse building. Asking for a letter from RADBA to encourage allowing the greenway to pass through the space.
RAD Goats – to beat back the kudzu hill on Clingman Avenue: more info to come next meeting.
New organizational emails: radbaavl@gmail.com & radbatreasurer@gmail.com
Update of email list & mail chimp
Meeting Adjourned 5:15pm
Future meeting location
Wedge Foundation Cloud Room for the rest of this year unless you see different @ RADBA.org
Meeting agenda items so far for August 28, 2018
Abby Dickinson from the Asheville Coffee Expo
Kudzu Goats Guy
Update on Median maintenance
RADPAC report re: Greenways
Charter expands in the RAD