July Minutes 2015
The meeting was called to order by President Daniel McClendon at 4:05 pm.
There were no minutes to approve from last month due to the social.
All present introduced themselves and signed in.
Treasurer’s Report/Jenny Lumb: RADBA now has 42 members total from last year with 5 new or returning members just added. Not all membership dues have been paid and invoices will be sent out so be on the lookout for those in your email. The only outflow from the account is the $300 for the landscaping on Clingman.
RADPAC: discussion about the Clingman Avenue extension becoming one way. It is set to go ahead but still talking to businesses and property owners to get the final go ahead. It will be one way from driveway into Fergusons parking lot running south. The top of Clingman Ext. will remain two way between Grey Eagle and Ferguson. The curb will stay in place and parking spaces won’t be marked yet.
Form Based Code: Lee and Sasha from the City came to present the concept map for the new form based code that will be implemented. They discussed the future of residential and commercial building in the district as well as parking issues. To learn more about the form based code, please see the website and Facebook page for more details on the process and the schedule of meetings: www.rad.code-studio.com www.Facebook.com/radformbasedcode
AARC/Pattiy Torno: Focusing on greenways for the next four months and learning more about the initiatives happening in different communities. It’s a way to try and get a better look to see what our community is doing and to bring everyone together.
City of Asheville/Marsha Stickford: Reminder about the Race to the Taps- South Slope event taking place on August 8th that will run through part of the RAD but should be done by 10:00pm.
NBB: No new business to report.
Asheville Police/Ofc. Sean Davis: Bikes have been stolen around the district. There were windows that were smashed in at 30 Riverside and Wedge as well a break in at Grey Eagle.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:11pm.