January Minutes 2019
RADBA Meeting Tuesday January 29, 2019
In attendance:
Shelley Shencker, Mike Craft, Lauri & Barrett Nichols, Stefanie Gerber, Lauren Turpin, Pamela Pyms, Matt Wallace, Justin Wilson, Joe Ransmeier, Dave Campbell, Sara Henry, Darren Green, Brian Gompers
Meeting called to order 4:04pm
Introductions all around
Motion to approve November minutes: Pattiy moved Lauri second… approved unanimously
Treasurer Report
$1050 still to come out of 2018-2019 funds for Clingman Streetscape
RADPAC will see the Jette Rea Fish Restaurant Project across from the Cotton Mill on Thursday January 31, 2019 @ 8am and will report @ the February RADBA meeting
APD Neighborhood update
Keep control of your key fobs… folks taking keys and finding the car by clicking the fob have been stealing said cars!
Two food trucks broken into on Lyman … one in the Wedge parking lot.. thieves stole cash
Theft from artist on Depot Street… a good number of paintings and prints
Grafitti as usual.. Joe Ransmeier has experienced some theft… took the extension cord and hand truck..
Blue van in the parking lot across from Eco Depot.. needs attention.. Justin will do
City of AVL
RADTIP…mid to late February there will be a water outage that effects 17 businesses in the RAD
There is no date yet but stay tuned!
2019 event list will be coming soon… new personnel @ the Liquid Center has delayed this
Valentine’s Day will have a press release for WNC for the Planet!
Bike Love Feb 23rd @ Isis in West Asheville NC
NBB is hosting the Riverlink bus tours the last Thursday of the month
Blue Horizons environmental group… can we put them on the RADBA agenda?…Shelley will scope this out
Can RADBA share its email addresses to NBB so that there is better communication between NBB and the community… with the idea in mind being that if any of us need help we can reach out for help from NBB community service… thru Mike Craft..
Brian Gompers also offered folks from HomeTrust Bank for community help…Exec Committee will look into all this
Every other month
Lunch and learns on Tuesday.. see the Riverlink website for details
RADA update
No one here to present
One Neighborhood Project update from Stephanie Gerber @ NC Glass
Kids are doing flame work and actually blowing glass ….Attendance ranges from 6 to 12 kids a Sunday
Tim asked if NC Glass would take over the entire One Neighborhood program… their board said that would be too far outside their mission… but the glass center will contine their part of this project and may be able to get some more funding thru grants…
Community members can apply for a tipping point grant from Buncombe County.. could be a good fit for One Neighborhood… up to $5000. Stephanie will forward information on this to Tim and the folks from Open Door & Darren… maybe Robert Nichols
The artists @ NC Glass are loving having the kids there….
RAD Vitatlity Partnership WE ARE OPEN Signs: two new ones down by RiverView Station
One just south of the new half roundabout and one down by Old Lyman
New Business:
Leaf Easel Rider for Second Saturdays
We have suggested that RADBA/One Neighborhood rent the Leaf Easel Rider in June, July & August 201… 6 hours each day @ $300 per day
Paid for either by RADBA members or if need be, from the RADBA general funds
14 riverside drive has been offered as a location, with the Second Saturday Trolley route being extended to the Grant Center on those months… we need to have a flyer by April so that it can be included in the Creative Sector Summit… if you want to offer to underwrite any of these costs, please contact Pattiy Torno, the RADBA Treasurer!
RAD Wayfinding intra district plan input session hosted by the BCTDA/CVB @ 14 Riverside Drive on Thursday January 31, 2019… there will be one more meeting to see the recommendations from the wayfinding team later this year… wayfinding program expected to be installed in late 2020 after RAD TIP is complete
RADBA rep for the flood protocol?
Thanks to more frequent rain events that are causing the roads to be underwater more often
And for our roads to be closed more regularly… the RAD wants to be able to offer feedback to the COA about what works and what does not… Sara & Lauren & Pattiy will figure this out off line
Duke Substation is moving forward
Kudos to all who were involved
Would cost $25,000 per year but both the upper and lower are booked for the next year with a first right of refusal for 2020 so for both reasons we get what we have
Feburary RADBA meeting is @ Pleb Urban Winery Tuesday February 26, 2019 4pm
If you want a drink, please arrive a bit early cause once the meeting starts, your bartender will be attending the meeting and not available to pour drinks!
March Meeting is @ Smoky Park Supper Club Tuesday March 26, 2019 @ 4pm
District Wine Bar is having a Tuesday supper club thru March… see the DWB website