February Minutes 2019
RADBA Meeting Minutes February 26, 2019
Call to Order Self-Intro and Sign-In by all present
Shelley Schenker, Pattiy Torno, Jeremy Goldstein, Helaine Greene, Dave Campbell, Michael Craft, Ginna Reid, Jim Morgan, Lauren Turpin, Suzanne Moore, Kathryn Adams, Lori Theriault, Tim Schaller, Darren Green, Matt Sprouse, Joe Ransmier, Sarah Henry, Cathy Ball, Joey Robison, Officer Justin Wilson, Captain Mike Yelton,
Motion to Approve Minutes from last meeting
Tim motioned // Pattiy Second // All in favor
Treasurer’s Report Pattiy Torno (RADBA Treasurer / Owner Curve Studios)
$10,300 in the bank // $1050 allocated to keep Clingman maintained
RADPAC Report Tim Schaller (Committee Chair / Owner Wedge Brewery)
Matt Sprouse: Meeting with Eric Shafer and Jim Diaz about the restaurant project from across Cotton Mill Studios. Jeti Rae’s. Proposing open concept for foot traffic and bike traffic, they will have public bathrooms they maintain and lock up at night. Outdoor spaces. Discussion about hours // they were encouraged to be open year round. About 30 parking spaces. What they need from RADBA: Potentially a letter to of support? They will bring a presentation to RADB (April 2019?) after they go through TRC, AARC, before city council and planning and zoning.
Neighborhood Update Officer Justin Wilson (Community Resource Officer) 828-450-3719 JWilson@AshevilleNC.gov
-A lot of concern about property crime at the end of Jan
-Seems as though there is a slight pause in crime in the RAD
-Arrested James Nesbit for stealing jewelry.
-Working on homeless camps
-Talked about the old dave steel yard.
-DOT cleaned up the camp near the white duck and foot bridge
Captain Mike Yelton : MYelton@ashevillenc.gov APD: Community outreach to help support and back up the CRO Justin Wilson
City of Asheville – RADTIP Update Sara Henry (Economic Development Specialist / Strategic Development Office)
-Email reminder about the water outage Sunday March 3 and Second Outage for the 9th
Second outage should have much smaller impact and less businesses effected (in the event the impact will be larger they will change when it happens)
Also for March 3rd, 3 port o johns will be put out in the area and a security contractor to monitor for fire. (The city is thinking of everything)
-Road closure process due to flooding is managed by public works, train trestle bridge was closed until noon today and its been noted. Tim & Pattiy say they need to do a better job of notifications of these closures to the surrounding business community. Sarah is advocating and working on getting the resources needed.
Cathy Ball (Assistant City Manager)
Presentation from the City of Asheville, A Balancing Act // Revenue Diversification Options
Asheville’s growth since 1980 our population has almost doubled. Causing additional strain on our resources. Over half of Asheville’s general fund income comes from property taxes, less than a quarter from Sales Tax and ~15% from charges for services & ~ 15% from other revenues
-The only option that is reasonably in the COA control is raising property tax
Bottom line is costs are increasing faster than the revenues.
-In the past the solution has always been to increase property taxes
What are other forms of revenue?-City only sales tax? Special tax for second home? City income tax : all currently not legal in NC
Other Ideas
-Hotel Tax
-COA & TDA are currently working on this and have had some success
-¼ cent sales tax for transit.
–County would have to approve this and the voters would have to agree
-Information provided about other counties that are using this.
-Meals Tax
-Feels a little regressive
-lowest income spends the most on food?
-Communities listed that have meal sales tax
-Greenville SC
What is a better way forward?
-Diversifying the revenue streams. The questions asked are what are concerns unintended consequences
What is “HCA Money”? When Mission Hospital sold to HCA, the hospital lost its tax exempt status. This is possibly $6.8 million in additional property tax income for the COA… HCA may appeal this valuation.
Pattiy mentioned that this has been the state of affairs for the COA financially for the 30+ years she has lived here… the COA spends more than it takes in and our community wants it to spend more and not foot the bill. This structural financial imbalance needs to end.
Shelley says that another property tax increase will affect the artists ability to stay because it will trickle down to renters in the form of studios becoming more expensive
The full power point presentation PDF is attached below
Feel free to share comments or ask questions of Joey Robison @ jrobison@ashevillenc.gov
NBB Update Mike Craft (Marketing Director, Community Liason – or other worthy title)
WNC for the Planet: second year / partnered with environmental friendly non profits
NBB will be having some Big Shows on their property Sept 1 & Sept 11, 2019 // Shows will not be on Fri / Sat and will not go past 9:30pm…. To keep their neighbors happy
Tentative date for Tour De Fat // Sept 21 which is a Saturday
RiverLink Update –
Suzanne Moore: Riverfest July 20th @ NBB
Asked for official letter of support from RADBA for water shed plan by March 3, 2019
Motion made & approved by RADBA for Exec Board to review plan and decide on letter
RADA Update Nadine Charleson (RADA President)
Not present
Old Business
Update on Explore AVL to host input meeting on WAYFINDING Official
Comments // Great meeting
Vote on Lauri Nichols as VP
Pattiy Motioned // Seconded by Jeremy// All in favor so Lauri Nichols is the new RADBA VP!
Kudzu Goats
Pattiy has been rethinking the kudzo hill // no to round up or chemical
-Joe Ransmeyer is going to go to a goat meeting with AGW and will report back
One Neighborhood
Kate Adams reported that Stefanie Gerber, NC Glass ED is writing several grants to keep funding coming for more One Neighborhood classes. The current 8 week course ends next Sunday and has been a great success. Tim Schaller says that he has worked out how to get the artists paid thru our fiscal agent.