February Minutes 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Daniel McClendon at 4:06pm. Minutes from the January meeting were approved.

Burners & BBQ Event: 3rd year in a row mural event taking place the weekend of May 20th. Over 50 artists are involved to create murals on any area of the warehouse building on Lyman that has had graffiti removed before. There will be a total of 15,000 sq. ft. of mural with a lot of crews involved. They are raising money for materials and their goal is $16,000. RADA has been in contact with iHeart media to have a live feed during that weekend. The property owners will be cleaning up and landscaping. Due to the event being the same weekend as the Studio Stroll, there’s concern about transportation and additional parking for the artists involved in the murals. To donate, please visit www.youcaring.com and search for Burners & BBQ.

RADTIP/Pattiy Torno: It was proposed that someone from the City that’s working on this project should attend the RADBA meeting every month throughout the duration of the project. Communication needs to happen with the district for everyone to be aware of construction and road closures. The City is developing a communications plan for the project with the focus on expressing current road closures to the community but there also needs to be a communication plan for visitors too. There will be a webpage dedicated to RADTIP that people can go to for more information. Late fall 2017 is when things will start happening with the project and there may be a stakeholder group formed to figure out the communication issue.

City of Asheville/Marsha Stickford: Asheville on Bikes will be held on March 20th and 300 participants will be coming down Clingman Ave that afternoon. They provide training beforehand and help people understand how to behave on the road. The event will be held from 1-3pm.

There was a reminder to everyone that the Riverfront office hours are the third Thursday of every month and they want people to come to propose any interests for a whitewater park or any other project. There will be a meeting on March 17th from 3-5pm on the 3rd floor of City Hall.

Comprehensive Plan is the overarching vision plan for the city. The last one was 15 years ago and the City just hired consultants. It’s an important process and they are anticipating writing a unified development ordinance. With neighborhoods, the planning department decided for Plan on the Page with neighborhoods and communities to create a more unified voice by a series of questions on a page. These questions will be posted on the website soon.

Officer Lovelace: There hasn’t been too many issues. There was a house broken into on W. Haywood St. and tools were stolen. One vehicle was broken into on Roberts St. in mid-January and the ongoing graffiti issue is still here. It was addressed that there’s been issues with the pan handlers on Roberts St. and they are getting aggressive. Also, cars coming from the bridge are going 60 mph onto Roberts St.. There may be decoy vehicles put out as well as speed boards.

New Business: Joe proposed taking over mowing that we’ve been contracting out. Joe will do it for the same price we pay now ($300/month). He will bring a proposal to next month’s meeting so the board can vote.

Adjourn: 5:02pm