April Minutes 2015
Meeting called to order at 4:05 by President Darren Green
All present introduced themselves and signed in.
Meeting minutes from March 2015 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report/Darren Green for Jenny Lumb: The current balance in the account is $9,040. President Green explained the new dues policy: annual membership dues of $100 are due in June, but for those who may have let their membership lapse, or for new members, dues may be pro-rated, as long as the succeeding year’s dues are paid at the same time as the pro-rated dues.
June Social: President Green announced that the June Social will be held on June 23rd from 4-6 pm. The location is tentatively All Souls Pizza. Details will be emailed at a later date.
AAARC Report/Pattiy Torno: at the April meeting, Robert Foster of the new Biltmore Village Business Association reported that their membership has increased from 20% of the businesses to 95%. He credits the increase to the fact that “we created a product that everyone wanted”. Pattiy noted that having a product to offer member businesses could increase the RADBA membership as well. Darren Green agreed and noted that we are collaborating with RADA to offer a mobile app which would include mapping and other information. There are still many questions about the proposed whitewater park, particularly with regard to location. The current informal position of RADA is a resounding “NO”, at least until there can be more dialogue and questions answered. So far, the response from RADBA members appears to be mixed. It was suggested by both Pattiy and Marsha Stickford that RADBA may wish to write a letter to the City Council to ask for more input and to raise questions before further decisions are made. Another comment was made regarding location; of the three being considered, the one at Pearson Bridge offers the most land and least probability of traffic congestion. All agreed that more of a public process is needed on this project. Tim Schaller added that the developer may be using the RADtip as the reason to rush the process. Karen Cragnolin agreed, saying that permits are so difficult to obtain, that the idea is to tag on. Darren finished the discussion by saying that the Exec boards of RADBA and RADA will meet to discuss a letter and other possible action to request more time and input.
RADPAC/Tim Schaller: The proposed Pink Dog Flea Market, organized by “Hoots Flea Markets”, is creating concern. It would take place on five Saturday’s throughout the summer from 11-4. There would be crafters and artisans included in the vendor booths. At this point no application for a permit has been made, although Marsha Stickford noted that because the proposed events would take place on private property, the process is not aligned with the special event permit process. The City can not stop the event from taking place. Karen Cragnolin suggested that RADBA create a set of criteria for events in the RAD, which might help to prevent such conflicts/concerns.
One Neighborhood Event/Darren Green: The posters, designed by Stu Helms, were passed around. If there are to be event sponsors, Stu will need logos before going to print. Marsha Stickford asked for a final electronic version so she can distribute it to appropriate City employees and Council. It was also suggested that we contact Seth Johnson to see if transportation could also be provided to Hillcrest neighborhood to the event. Fundraising will take place in May, as the event itself is not intended to be a fundraiser. The goal is $10,000.
New Belgium Brewery/Darren Green for Susanne Hackett: Deep foundation pile driving will again be taking place in May. Impact 4 out of 5. As much as possible it will be limited to M-F not before 7am.
Riverlink/Karen Cragnolin: A much needed truck was recently received from a donor. First River Music concert is Friday, May 8th and second Friday’s thru October. There will be a demo day with Asheville Adventure Rentals on Saturday May 21st.
City of Asheville/Marsha Stickford: No new business to report
Neighborhood Report/Ofc. Sean Davis: Activity the last month has been light. Camps by the river are starting to increase now, and larger numbers of homeless are expected this summer than in the past, as well as increased traffic from those people riding the freight trains.
New Business/Darren Green: Michael Carter from Green Opportunities was introduced. Michael presented a new Federal Grant-funded program for 18-24 year olds. If local businesses are willing to hire for two or three days a week, for two or three months, the program will pay the employees. The pay is $8/hour, and the employees are also participating in a training program during the employment period. Joe Ransmeier will be participating, and any interested businesses are encouraged to contact Michael at (828)398-4158 for details.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:08 by President Green